37]] | Performance evaluation of magnetic materials Fe3O4, CoFe2O4, Mn-ZnFe2O4 to the pure blood incorporated with Biomagnetic thin layer flow and heat transfer via cylindrical surface assisted by low Currie temperature and moderate saturated magnetization, Funded by University Grants Commission ,2023, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
36]] | Cardiac wall elasticity interaction framework for the cardiovascular abnormalities in coronary revascularization based on digital imaging correlation, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology ,2023, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows, Co-PI: Mahabub Alam Bhuiyan] |
35]] | Biomagnetic Convection of Thin Layer Flow by Magnetization, Funded by Kuwait University ,2022, Kuwait. [PI: Abdulaziz Alsenafi, Co-PI: M. Ferdows] |
34]] | Cardiac progression analyses of irregular cardiovascular hemodynamics based on patient’s arterial plaques: A study having relevance to CT-Angiogram, Biomedical imaging, arterial aneurysms and atherosclerosis for the cardiac treatment, Funded by University Grants Commisions,2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
33]] | Stability Analysis of Vertical Thermal Boundary Layers in Porous Media, Funded by University of Dhaka under UGC,2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
32]] | Multiphysical effects of Biomagnetic energy transport in flowing blood mediated ferromagnetic particles targeted drug delivery and cancer treatment processes, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology,2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows, Co-PI: Armin Anwar] |
31]] | Biomagnetic flow and heat transfer with magnetic/non-magnetic particles through a stretched cylinder, Funded by Bose Centre for Advanced Study and Research in Natural Sciences, University of Dhaka,2022-2023, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
30]] | A coronary non-invasive framework to detect the cardiovascular abnormalities in patients with physiological significance of arterial plaque based on Computed Tomography angiogram images, Funded by Centennial Research Grant, University of Dhaka,2021-2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows, Co-PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
29]] | Biophysical aspects of multiple sequential stenoses to detect physiological effect of non-invasive coronary revascularization based on computed tomography angiography imaging, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology,2021-2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows, Co-PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
28]] | Transport Process of CO2 Hydrates: Responsible for Global Warming and Climate Change, Funded by Center for Climate Change Study and Resource Utilization, University of Dhaka,2021, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
27]] | Thermofluidic Modeling for Hybrid Nanofluid Near Nonisothermal Moving Radiating Thin Needle, Funded by Bose Centre for Advanced Study and Research in Natural Sciences, University of Dhaka,2021-2022, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
26]] | Model simulation of Nano-Gyrotatic microorganism convection of thin layer flow, Funded by Kuwait University,2020-2022, Kuwait. [PI: Abdulaziz A, Co-PI: M. Ferdows] |
25]] | Computational Solution of Magnetic and Nano Particles containing carbon nanotubes in Convective Flow past Plane Driven by Magnetic Induction Effects, Funded by Knowledge-Excellence Program, King Abdulaziz University,2020-2021, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: Faris Alzahrani, Co-PI: M. Ferdows, OA Beg] |
24]] | Two-Phase Flow and Coupled Heat Transfer Model for Thermal Interaction of a Cancerous Tissue during Nano-Cryosurgery , Funded by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), ICTP,2020-2021, Italy. [PI: S. M. Chap al Hossain] |
23]] | Modeling of Bioheat Transfer for Optimization of Multiprobe Nano-Cryoablation Using Genetic Algorithm , Funded by Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Science and Technology,2020-2021, Bangladesh. [PI: S. M. Chapal Hossain] |
22]] | Two-Dimensional thin layer convective flow with hear transfer from Uniform free convection flow driven by nonlinear stretching surface, Funded by King Abdulaziz University,2020-2021, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
21]] | Spectral Relaxation Solution of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Particles in Convective Flow past a Cylindrical Stretching Plane Driven by Magnetic Induction Effects , Funded by King Abdulaziz University,2019-2020, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
20]] | Spectral Relaxation Solution of Modeling and Numerical simulation of Airfoil with Flap Deflection , Funded by University Grants Commission, University of Dhaka,2019-2020, Bangladesh. [PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
19]] | Similarity solution of MHD slip with energy mass transport through chemically reacting stretching permeable solid surface in porous media with variable properties , Funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University,2019-2020, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
18]] | Dual solutions of nanaofluid forced convective flow with hear transfer and porous media past a moving surface, Funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University,2019-2020, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
17]] | Study of Non-isothermal incompressible flow and heat flux of Nano-ferrofluid with induced magnetic induction, Funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University,2019-2020, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
16]] | Computed Tomography Angiography Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Coronary Arteries abnormalities based on Biomedical Imaging, Funded by Misintry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology, Bangladesh,2018-2019, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows, Co-PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
15]] | Effects of Magnetic induction with nano-ferro particles over a horizontal stretching cylinder, Funded by University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,2017-2018, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
14]] | Development of Mathematical models for convective heat transfer of Carbon Nanotubes in a nanofluid saturated porous medium: Enhanced thermal conductivity of Water Kerosene and Engine oil based Carbon Nanotubes, Funded by Misintry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology, Bangladesh,2017-2018, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
13]] | Numerical Investigation of three-dimensional airflows around a cubic obstacle, University Grants Commission,2017-2018, Bangladesh. [PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
12]] | Biotransport modeling and numerical simulation (CFD) for Magnetic resonance imaging dependence of 3-D unsteady blood flow in a axisymmetric large blood vessels, University Grants Commission,2017-2018, Bangladesh. [PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee, Co-PI: M. Ferdows] |
11]] | Effects of normalized velocity difference of nanofluid from a continuously moving surface in a power law temperature fluid: A Local nonsimilar simulation of manufacturing process transport model,Funded by University of Dhaka,2016-2017, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
10]] | New simplified models and formulations of MHD convective flow of nanofluid over a moving porous flat surface,Funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), 2016-2017, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
9]] | Numerical investigation of developed and/or developing flow in a pipe, Funded by University of Dhaka, 2012-2013, Bangladesh. [PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee ] |
8]] | Development of Mathematical models for convective laminar thin layer flows containing magnetite (Fe3O4 ), cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) and ferrite ferrofluid magnetic particles with induced magnetic field strength, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology, 2016-2017, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows , Co-PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
7]] | Blood flow modeling with spatially varying magnetic field, Funded by Bose Center for Advanced study and Research in Natural Sciences, 2015-2017, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
6]] | Numerical computation of 3-D natural ventilation system for a multistory building located in Dhaka city: Urban Environmental Impact, Building scaling, CFD modeling and indoor thermal comfort, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, under Special Allocation for Science and Technology, 2014-2015, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows , Co-PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
5]] | The effect of Intertia on free convection from a horizontal surface embedded in a porous medium with internal Heat generation, Funded by University of Dhaka, 2014-2015, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
4]] | Computation of buoyancy driven flow and heat transfer in an open cavity, Funded by University of Dhaka, 2012-2013, Bangladesh. [PI: Md. Zavid Iqbal Bangalee] |
3]] | Influence of parameters and performance evaluation of Cu, Al2O3, TiO2 and silver Ag nanoparticles as well as base fluid water on convection flow past a vertical permeable semi-infinite flat plate with an aligned Magnetic field, Funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), 2012-2013, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
2]] | Hydromagnetic heat and mass transfer flow saturated in a porous media: Linear and Nonlinear stretching surface, Funded by University of Dhaka, 2011-2012, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |
1]] | Heat and Mass transfer flow over an exponentially stretching sheet: New similarity results, Funded by Bose Center for Advanced study and Research in Natural Sciences, 2010-2011, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. [PI: M. Ferdows] |