S. M. Chapal Hossain, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Dhaka Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Email: chapal@du.ac.bd
Tel: +8801314559669
Education Level
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
Dissertation Title: Modeling and experimental studies of two-phase flow based multiprobe cryosurgery
Advisor: Professor Gang Zhao, Ph.D.
Institution: University of Science and Technology of China
M.Sc. (Thesis) in Applied Mathematics
Thesis Title: MHD Natural Convection in a Micropolar Fluid with Power-law Variation in Surface Temperature and Internal Heat Generation
Advisor: Professor Mohammad Ferdows, Ph.D.
Institution: University of Dhaka
B.Sc. in Mathematics
Institution: University of Dhaka
Research Interests
Mathematical Biology; Engineering Medical Science; Biomedical Imaging; Data Science; Neural Network (Big Data Analysis); Physiological Modeling; Medical device design for cancer detection and treatment; MRI guided Cryosurgery/Nano-cryosurgery/Hyperthermia; Quantum Mechanics; Engineering Physics; Irreversible Electroporation; Bioheat transfer phenomena; Cryopreservation; Nano-drug delivery system; Biofluid flow in the microorganism; Bioinspired microfluidics. |
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor :
31 December, 2020 – Onwards, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh |
Associate Professor : | 19 December, 2019 – 30 December, 2020, Department of Mathematics, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh |
Assistant Professor : | 08 October, 2013 – 19 December, 2019, Department of Mathematics, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh |
Lecturer : | 02 May, 2011 – 08 October, 2013, Department of Mathematics, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh |
Lecturer : | 24 May, 2010 – 01 May, 2011, Department of Natural Science (Mathematics), Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh |
Lecturer : | 16 February, 2010–23 May, 2010, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Prime University, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh |
Skills and Expertise
Finite Element Modeling
or Finite Volume Modeling |
Coupled thermodynamics, Fluid or Biofluid dynamics, and Electrodynamics modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics or ANSYS Fluent; Time-domain and frequency domain simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics or ANSYS Fluent; Modeling of cells, tissues, and devices; Clinical treatment planning. |
Mathematics | COMSOL Multiphysics; ANSYS Fluent; Mathematica; Fortran; Matlab. |
C/C++; GAMBIT; ICEM CFD; Origin; Tecplot; SolidWorks; AutoCAD; ProE CAD. |
Biomedical Research and Development | Medical instrumentation design, fabrication, and testing; In vitro through clinical evaluation; 2D or 3D tissue culture platform; Stem cell isolation; Tumor cell culture; Cryopreservation/Hypothermic preservation of Biological samples; Fluorescence microscopy. |
Teaching and Learning
I have acquired around 11 (eleven) years of teaching experience in different Universities in Bangladesh, of which one is my current working University named University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, and others are Jagannath University (a government-financed public university situated in Sadarghat, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh), Stamford University Bangladesh (Private University located in Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh), and Prime University (Private University situated in Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh). My responsibilities encompassed teaching in the undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics courses, organizing seminars, curriculum development, and conducting quality research. I have taught several courses in Mathematics extending from undergraduate to postgraduate levels that are itemized as below.
· M.Sc. Level: Biofluid Dynamics; Quantum Mechanics; Dynamical Systems; Advanced Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations. · B.Sc. Level (4th Year – 1st Year): Methods of Applied Mathematics; Asymptotic Analysis and Perturbation Methods; Mathematical Modeling in Biology; Partial Differential Equations; Hydrodynamics; Mechanics; Ordinary Differential Equations; Differential Geometry; Coordinate and Vector Geometry; Financial Mathematics; Linear Algebra; FORTRAN Programming; Numerical Analysis; Business Mathematics; Calculus; Matlab/Mathematica/FORTRAN/C/C++ Programming Language; Honours Projects; Math Lab (I, II, III, & IV). · Special Expertise on Postgraduate Level Courses: Physiological Modeling; Biomedical Imaging; MRI & Radiology Imaging; Neural Network (Big Data Analysis).
During teaching, my key responsibilities are as follows: · Effective preparation and delivery of lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate level and the marking and assessment of that material, including as Subject Coordinator; · Proactive development of subject materials and delivery, including the use of modern technology and online resources as appropriate; · Supervision of the program of study of postgraduate students engaged in coursework; · Development of curriculum in applied mathematics both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; · Consultation with and academic mentoring of students; · The conduct of tutorials and practical classes. |
Supervision Info
· Ph.D. Research Student: Current: 01
· M.Phil. Research Student: Current: 01 · M.S. (Thesis) Students: Completed 01; Current: 03 · B.S. (Project) Students: Completed 20; Current: 03 |
Research and Research Training
· The conduct of research and contribution to knowledge through scholarship, refereed publications, and presentations;
· Active application and success in obtaining external research grant income to support that research; · Active participation in research seminars and conferences; · Active supervision of postgraduate (MS, MPhil, and PhD) Students. |
Other Activities
· Presentation of research to the public to elevate public awareness of educational and scientific developments and promote critical enquiry and public debate within the community;
· Participation in outreach activities; · Performance of other tasks as requested by the Head of Department/Institution; · Active participation in the University Performance Development Framework. |
Scholarly Achievements
My professional aims are to combine classroom teaching and research into an effective scheme for novice learners’. I ponder research as a creative and systematic work undertaken to develop scholars’ skills for rational innovations away from schoolbooks and laboratory workouts. I have been credited with 20 (twenty) full-length research articles in the refereed international journal, five research articles in the national journal, and two international conference papers. In most of the research articles, my contributions have encompassed in the subsequent dynamic constituents.
· Create innovative concepts and its exploration from Fundamental Science to Applied Science; · Formulate a 2D or 3D Mathematical Model; · Write a programming code using C/C++ or other available software packages; · Analyse and interpret research findings and data; · Prepare manuscript and submit it to the specified journal; · Correspondence with the editor. |
Group Research Activity/Collaboration
Other than independent research, I also engage in a group research event to expand my knowledge and share my experience with others in home and abroad. I am very ardent to inaugurate my leadership role in research in any environment. As a result, I have published 16 (sixteen) SCI/SCIE indexed journals based full-length research articles with high impact factors at the time of the doctoral study. I also collaborate with several researchers from different countries especially in the USA, China, Japan, Korea, and India, and a significant research article will come out from the collaborative research activity. |
Awards and Scholarships
· Awarded CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship for doctoral study at Department of Electronic Science & Engineering under University of Science and Technology of China from September 2015 to July 2019;
· Awarded Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) for doctoral study (not accepted); · Awarded the Graduate Scholarship during MS study from University of Dhaka; · Several other prizes and scholarships for excellence in individual education levels. |
Memberships of Scholarly Societies/Institutions
· Member, Society for Cryobiology, USA;
· Member, TWAS PhD Graduates Alumni, Trieste, Italy; · Life Member, University of Science and Technology of China Alumni, China; · Life Member, Bangladesh Mathematical Society; · Life Member, Dhaka University Mathematics Alumni Association; · Life Member, Registered Graduate, University of Dhaka; |